Understanding the InvalidImageName error


1 min read

Encountering an "InvalidImageName" error typically relates to issues with the image name specified in Kubernetes resources like Pods, Deployments, or StatefulSets. Here are some specific reasons why this error might occur in Kubernetes:

  • Incompatible Image: The image name specified in the Kubernetes resource might have syntax errors. Kubernetes expects image names to follow a specific format, typically <registry>/<namespace>/<image>:<tag>. If there are deviations from this format or if illegal characters are present, Kubernetes may throw an InvalidImageName error.

  • Usual suspects are:

    • Uppercase/Invalid characters in the Image name - "reg.org/MY-APP:1b.q0"

      •   [node1 ~]$ kubectl run nginx-pod --image=Nginx:latest -n image-errors
          error: Invalid image name "Nginx:latest": invalid reference format
          [node1 ~]$ kubectl run nginx-pod --image=reg.org/MY-APP:1b.q0 -n image-errors
          error: Invalid image name "reg.org/MY-APP:1b.q0": invalid reference format
    • http or https in the Image name

        Image: https://org/****/my-service:main-43
    • Setting the tag in the repository field instead of tag in helm chart values.yaml

          repository: 123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/myapp:0.0.2
             repository: "123456789.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/myapp"
             tag: "0.0.2"

Resolving the InvalidImageName error in Kubernetes involves verifying the correctness of the image name, ensuring the availability and accessibility of the image in the specified registry, checking authentication configurations, resolving network connectivity issues, and troubleshooting container runtime and Kubernetes configuration problems.